
    Child Details:

    Your Details:

    Steps to Enrollment

    Select what course package is right for your precious little one.

    Explore our course right here!!

    Please use the form on the left hand side of the page to submit your initial application and start the admission process.

    Our administration department will confirm receipt of your application and share additional information.

    Our administration department will forward you documentation to fill out and revert back with the required information.

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    In today’s time when things are fast moving and new concepts and technologies are emerging rapidly, we sharpen your child’s thinking and creative ability from an early age so that he or she can quickly adapt to new changes.


    Our teachers encourage kids to explore their surroundings and be curious. This offers opportunities for children to channel their creativity and imagination. Our teachers use creative play as a means to teach lessons instead of a sit-down lecture in the four corners of the classroom.


    We teach your children real skills that they need as they grow up by providing opportunities for children to learn how to help and care for others. They learn the behaviors that help them form healthy relationships with others as they grow.