Safety and security

At Crystal House Kindergarten and Daycare we take the responsibility of your child’s safety very seriously. We have numerous security and safety measures in place to ensure that your child is well taken care of for their entire tenure at Crystal House Kindergarten


Our staff is constantly monitoring the environment at our center to insure that all children can play, learn, and interact in a safe and nurturing indoor and outdoor environment.

  • Safety starts with perimeter cameras and a security gate, where guests must be logged into the system before entry.
  • Sign in and sign out sheets enable staff to monitor who drops off and picks up each child.
  • Your child will be released only to those individuals whom you list in the child’s enrollment records. All records are securely stored.
  • Only registered parents or guardians may enter the facility to observe or pick up their child.
  • Background checks are performed on all staff and volunteers.
  • Fences and locked gates surround the facility.
  • Low teacher-child ratios ensure that there are sufficient teachers and supporting staff  available to adequately supervise the children in care.
  • Our staff is certified in CPR and First Aid as well as Universal Precautions.
  • We monitor every child’s health on a daily basis.  Further, we notify parents when a child does not feel well to help prevent illnesses from spreading.
  • Toys, surfaces, and floors are sanitized throughout the day to prevent the spread of germs.
  • Approved surfaces, fall zones, and playground equipment are installed in all outdoor play areas.

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